High School Placement

For more current and updated high school information for the 2022-2023 school year, please visit the High School Placement link under Class Pages.

Applying to high schools can be complicated and stressful.  Our High School Placement program provides support and information to students beginning in 6th Grade. Our graduates are well rounded, articulate, confident, inquisitive and responsible young people with strong Catholic values who are ready to meet the challenges of high school and beyond.

Each Fall, we host the Bay Ridge High School Fair. Representatives from  Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Manhattan Catholic and private high schools participate. The Fair gives students the opportunity to learn more about high school programs, admissions requirements and Open House dates.

St. Patrick’s offers TACHS Test Prep classes to prepare for the rigorous Catholic high school admissions test. The series of ten classes meet after school for an additional fee. Classes are open to our Grades 7 and 8 students.  You can register your child for TACHS Prep Classes online.

Each fall the high school application process begins as 8th Graders submit applications to high schools, take any required exams such as TACHS, and begin visiting/interviewing.  St. Patrick provides support to students and their families throughout the application process. We provide guidance and schedule individual parent meetings to help clarify options and answer questions.  We facilitate recommendation/reference letters and student record requests, and help connect students with high schools whose programs meet their unique interests and talents. Meetings with our Placement Coordinator/Advisor will be scheduled regularly for each 8th Grade student throughout the entire process. More information can be found on the TACHS website: TACHS – Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens 

Graduates of St. Patrick’s are currently attending outstanding Catholic, private and public high schools, including:

  • Brooklyn Tech
  • Fontbonne Hall Academy
  • Frank Sinatra School of the Arts
  • LaSalle
  • Loyola
  •  Marymount
  •  Notre Dame
  •  Poly Prep
  •  Regis
  •  St. Edmund’s
  • St. Joseph by the Sea
  • St. Joseph Hill
  • St. Peter’s Boys High School
  •  St. Saviour
  • Stuyvesant
  • United Nations International School
  • Xaverian
  • Xavier